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Chris Lermanis (VIC)

TR3A 1959 Model - Commission No. TS 45085 O

Chris has responded to my appeal for better photos of earlier events - mostly Concours.

Chris has scanned some early photos and the result is on THIS PAGE

At the Echuca Concours 2013
Picture 1

Click pics below to view full size

Picture 2

Beautiful "body off" restoration completed at the close of the last century (1999) by David Cunnew in South Australia.
Commission No.: TS45085 O
Engine Number: TS 45909 E
EB Number 45434 : Mulliners No. 1050674

The car was briefly owned (in S.A.) by John Williams and then Ian Burman- from whom I purchased it in March 2006.
It has enjoyed success in beauty contests, where my contribution since owning it, has only been the polishing cloth!

Concours Results        
2001 TSOA (S.A.)  1st.
2004   TR Register (S.A.)  1st.
2006   TR Register (Vic.)  2nd. & RACV Popular Car Award.
2007  TR Register (NSW) 4th. TSOA (Vic.) 3rd.
2008  TR Register (Vic.) 3rd.
2009 TR Register (Vic.) 1st.
2010 TR Register (Qld.) 2nd.

The TR at the Port Macquarie Concours 2007
"Ten years after completion of restoration -
the car was 1st again in 2009 !"
Chris (centre) with Sue Packham (left).
Chris in the cockpit.  
Showing the car's interior ...
...and engine bay.
The four photos above were taken at the Bendigo Concours in 2006 where Chris and Sue (plus the car of course) took outright 2nd Place in the Concours and also won the RACV Popular Car Award
"My enthusiasm for 'wind in the hair' motoring
started in 1967 with an Austin Healey BN1
I bought my first TR in 1979. It is now owned by
Michael Carr
I joined the register in 1979
My 'Lifetime's 15 minutes of Fame' came at the Formula One GP of 1999 when I drove Eddie Irvine , the eventual winner for Ferrari, in the pre-race Driver's Parade. Since then, Eddie and I have not caught the public's attention!"
Chris's previous car was a 1958 Model (shown below) - Commission No. TS 37635
This car was sold to the late Mychael Carr