perpetual Trophies
The club has a number ofperpetual trophies that are awarded each year at the national concours. These are:
Laurie Cousins Trophy: Originality Class Winner donated by Laurie Cousins
Murn/ Mitchell Trophy: Excellence in Presentation Class Winner, in recognition of the Register’s founders
Boyce Beeton Trophy: Road Class Winner donated by Bob & Rhonda Slender
White/ Walker Trophy : Best TR3 donated by Graeme White and Roger Walker
Harry Firth Trophy : Competition Class Winner·
MOSS Award: Most Outstanding and Spectacular Stuffup for the year decided by the Committee prior to the vent.
Club Member of the Year: Recognition of significant contribution to the Register donated by Gavin & Kim Rea
Carr Travelling Trophy Awarded to the member who travels the furthest in their TR in order to get to the event donated by and in memory of Mychael Carr