The Annual General Meeting of the TR Register Australia Inc. was held on Tuesday 16th June. Because of the Covid19 restrictions the meeting was conducted using Zoom conferencing software with members logging in from their homes.
Full minutes of the meeting will be sent to all members in due course however the elected committee for the next year is as follows:
Presedent – John McCormack
Vice Presedent – David Ferguson
Treasurer – Tony Xerri
Secretary – Bob Watters
Membership – Tony Knowlson
Editor – Terry Hicks (assisted by his wife Jenny)
Regalia – Chris Olson
New Parts – Bruce Hoskins
2nd Hand Parts – Mal Munro
Historian – Bob Watters
Committee – Rob Bradford
Committee – Russell Holliday
Committee – David Pearce
Committee – Peter Clarke
Rob Bradford stood down as Vice President to take a committee position and David Ferguson was elected to the Vice President's position. John Pike and Gary Waite did not seek re-election and David Pearce is new to the committee.
In conjunction with the AGM a Special General Meeting was held to accept the revised constitution, the vote was 85% in favour. The revised constitution will now be submitted to the Department of Fair Trading for ratification. The current constitution will remain in force until the club has received notification that the new version has been approved.
Bob Watters Secretary
We thank them for their contribution to our club over many years.