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What's On


Peter Standen (VIC)

Peter sent in this interesting photo taken in the old Tin Shed venue attached to the pub at Toolleen, near Bendigo.

"I spotted it after lunch at the pub with the local Triumph boys".



They were sometimes known as a "Swing Saw" but were all based around a type manufactured by Don Hargan in northern NSW. As shown below, they were a fearsome device with a saw blade close to a metre in diameter.

The blade could be used vertically or horizontally and the "Hargan" saw was used extensively by sleeper cutters and other bushmen. Not a job for the feint hearted.



They were sometimes known as a "Swing Saw" but were all based around a type manufactured
by Don Hargan in northern NSW. As shown below, they were a fearsome device with a saw blade
close to a metre in diameter. The blade could be used vertically or horizontally and the "Hargan" saw
was used extensively by sleeper cutters and other bushmen. Not a job for the feint hearted.

