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Howard Prior (QLD) TR3A - 1960 model

Commission No. TS68677 L

Also see Page 2

At the Echuca Concours 2013.

Picture 1

Echuca Concours 2013 (photo Marlene Lyell©).

Picture 2

Howard and Carroll during the New Zealand Tour 2013

Picture 3

The photo below was taken at the Port Macquarie Concours 2007

Picture 4

Picture 5
Picture 6 Picture 7

The previous owner imported the car from the US and had it fully restored in 1994. It was hardly used for 3 years and when Howard purchased it in June 1998 it had 1500 miles on the clock. (now with 5,500 miles - in mid 1999).

2002 update: Have had car 4 years now and done 17,000 miles. Crankshaft due for regrind this year as it is well scored on some big end journals.

2004 update - Engine rebuilt in 2002, since then the car has travelled 14000 miles, half of this mileage was completed during a 5 week trip to WA with the Healey Club in April 2004 for their Concours in Albany. Returned to Qld via The Great Ocean Road.

The photos below were taken in or before 2000

Picture 8

Picture 9

Picture 10