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Gary & Deb Johns (NSW)

TR3A - 1960 model - TS79178 Powder Blue

Gary and Deb are now the custodians of the late Merv Collens' much loved TR3A (affectionately known as the "Ballerina") (photo Marlene Lyell©).

This car has been sold to Keith Williams in South Australia (Oct 2018)

[previous TR3A - 1958 model - TS30817 - Now SOLD to John Hollingsworth (QLD)]

This photo is of Gary and Deb, taken at Woodford, Victoria on the TT Victoria.
Merv Collens christened Gary "Biggles" and Deb, "The Blanket that Walks" , because of the big grey coat she always wore

Victorian TT 2006.

This is Gary's TR3A "Winston" taken at the Port Macquarie Concours 2007

Earliest known owner was Mal Anderson of Geelong (VIC). He sold the car to Peter Mitchell who registered it as CXC480 in 1986. Ian Simpson purchased the car from Peter in 1996 and prior to that, it had undergone a complete rebuild.
Ian sold the car to Gary Johns on 10.04.01, the car retaining the same rego. no.
Gary and Deb at the Port Macquarie Concours 2007
President Gary at work
Gary & Deb on the way home.
Gary Johns TR3A NSW - Brisbane 2005
as above
Gary officiates at Brisbane in 2005 as Bill Piggott is presented with a "Drizabone" coat.
President Gary Johns welcomes the members & guests at the Presentation Dinner Bendigo 2006
Gary Johns & Bill Piggot in the pits at Eastern Creek 2006
Gary & Bill at speed (or were they being passed?)
President Gary looking resplendant and eager for track time. (Wakefield Park Dec 05)
At the Bare-Co Meeting 2007. Oh-oh! - I think he has his eye on this carpet set.
There is always one boy who has to muck up!
Glamour Couple - President Gary Johns and wife Deb officiating on the night - Brisbane 2005
GEAR meeting in May 2003
GEAR meeting in May 2003
Wakefield Park 2004