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Inverell Concours 2000

NOTE: the photos were taken in 2000 on non digital cameras. Images were reduced in resolution to suit the speed of early "steam driven" computers. IF I can find the original photos, I will digitise them to bring them up to current presentation standards. R.F.
                                         Don't bother clicking on the smaller images - what you see is what you get!!

2018 Update:
Howard and Carroll Prior found these images in their archives. The 2000 Concours at Inverell was the first they
attended and, as Howard points out: "We had a great time and it gave us confidence to travel further afield!"

With improvements in scanning technology, you may have photographs of earlier events which could
also be updated with a new scan??

Queenslanders at Inverell (LtoR back row)
Bob Fast, Richard Ely, unk, Laurie Peterson, unk, ...? Packman, Don Packman, Bob Watters, Kevin Gulliver, Joan Gulliver,
Front Row: Joyce Fast, Linda Ely, unk (Laurie's friend), unk, Jill Packman, Judy Buck, Cherryle Watters, Carroll & Howard Prior
Kneeling: John Buck        (please send Rick any corrections or additions)

Howard and Carroll Prior in their TR3A

Aerial TR Logo as engineered by Club President Gavin Rea

Above - the weather was great!

Left - the Museum featured on our Sunday run
and is run by our hosts - Ron and Anne Thorp.
The new Register tent is in the background.