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Rowan Burns (NSW) TR3 - 1955 model
Commission No. DTR 9267 O

2021 Update

Before body restoration.




photo shows the TR in its new home, Nov 2017.

Rowan says:

I bought the car back in 2010 from Steve & Rosi Innes (Batemans Bay). Some members from the local TSOA club had met Steve when they were down that way in their TR3A and Steve had told them about his, which had been stored under their house for around 20 years.

Dad and I went down soon after and had a very nice morning with Steve and Ros, including a few pieces of "Rosi's slice" and a cuppa, packed up the car onto the trailer, including a number of spares in the boot. The car then sat in my Grandfather's workshop another 7 years as I bought a house, renovated it, sold my Triumph Herald to fund the building project, got married, moved overseas for a year, changed careers, had two kids... and finally Grandad decided to downsize and the TR had to be moved to my house.

The garage is lined and still needs some improved storage and lighting etc, but I have now begun familiarising myself with the car, reading in greater detail, and trying to work out a restoration plan.
Steve and Ros swung by a few months ago on their way home from QLD and we again had a lovely time checking out the car, getting to know each other more and sharing stories. I was thinking that I would do a mechanical restoration and get it registered with the panel/paint as is, but the floor and sills are pretty badly rusted.

I may very well be up for a body-off restoration, in which case I will have it resprayed. The TR Register gurus have discovered that it is #057 of the CKD TR3s assembled in Melbourne. As I understand it, this means that there is no record of original trim and paint details. As I have been exploring the car I have discovered that under it's white coat is a purple coat, and under that I believe is possibly the original cream colour. The car does have a later TR3A engine, and front discs. When I drove Bill Revill's TR3 a number of years ago I was absolutely frightened... it's a whole nother style to driving the Herald! I'm very much looking forward to driving my own, making trips with my wife and with my kids as they grow up, and touring along with my parents in Dad's TR4A. ".

Under the house in Bateman's Bay, freshly washed, 1976

Steve, Dad and I (note the dreadlocks) loading the car onto the trailer to move to Newcastle, April, 2010.

Me, Dad, Grandad and the TR3 on the trailer ready to move to my place

My 3 and Dad's 4A in my garage together.

Rowan's Triumph Herald on the day it sold, August 2013.