"River Run" TT - 2016

21 cars following the Murray in NSW /VIC 21-24 March

TOURERS*: Bob & Robin Adams; Allan & Annette Bare; John & Angie Blake; Graham & Claire Brohan; Judy & Keith Brown;
Graeme & Jo Corbett; Ian & Tracey Cuss; Rick & Joan Fletcher; Terry & Jenny Hicks; Bruce & Vicci Hoskins; Michael Jaques &
Donna Newell; Peter & Gayle Mc Ewan; Claire & Paul Middleton; Bill Newling; Lynden & Virginie Norgate; Chris & Merran Olson;
John Pike & Elizabeth Ozolins; Val & Ken Strange; Bob & Cherryle Watters; Allan Wright & Renate Polglaze; Tony & Lesley Xerri
                                                                                              ("TT" came from TR Tours)

Day 3 saw the group head off from Lake Hume Resort to Bonegilla Migrant experience a few km down the road.
Here, some of the group are looking through the preserved kitchen facilities. For Virginie Norgate
(seen here leaving the kitchen) it was a trip back in time as she was resident here briefly as a child. (pic - Terry Hicks)

Graham Brohan strolls throught the grounds ... (pics - Gayle McEwan)

... after checking out the representative sculpture (pics - Gayle McEwan)

We then travelled via some lovely TR back roads to Bright and Lunch at the Bright Brewery.
This is a great place to have lunch with excellent meals and facilities for large groups.
Just down the road is the Bright Chocolate Factory and quite a quantity of that delight travelled with us.
(following pics - Gayle McEwan)

L to R Judy & Keith Brown, Virginie & Lynden Norgate, Paul and Claire Middleton.

L to R Vicci & Bruce Hoskins with Allan and Annette Bare

Bob & Cherryle Watters with Tony ("Peepers") and Lesley Xerri

Tracey & Ian Cuss

L to R Val and Ken Strange, John Pike & Elozabeth Ozolins, with Renate Polglaze at the right.

John & Angie Blake with Chris and Merran Olson

Claire Brohan and Pete McEwan

Jo and Graeme Corbett

We stayed in the Carriage Motor Inn at Beechworth and it proved a good venue, close to town and very near the Hibernian Hotel
where we had dinner. The rooms were very good and parking was good for the TRs.

Presidents of the Sapphire Coast Chapter Women's Auxiliary Joan, Cherryle and Claire with others at the dinner.

A good get together after a nice meal at the pub

The Sapphire Coast Chapter of the TR Register had an impromptu meeting where it was decided that ALL "members"
would be elected President to forestall any disputes! The ladies are all Presidents of the Ladies Auxiliary

Shown in the pics below - the culprits who put the TT together - Brohey & Pete ...

... and Rick & Joan.

Thanks to all the 41 NSW, VIC and ACT attendees for the fun and comradeship shown during this TT - Rick & Joan

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